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Long Ditton Infant And Nursery School

Long Ditton Infant And Nursery School

The Heart of Long Ditton since 1911

Uniform Information

"School uniform helps to make children feel part of the school community and gives them a sense of pride in their school."


At Long Ditton Infant School we expect all children to wear appropriate school uniform and clothing. We believe this shared identity gives children a sense of belonging and helps them to take pride in their school and their appearance. Every item of clothing that your child wears to school should be marked clearly with their name.  We will always do our best to track down lost items but are unable to accept liability for any lost items of clothing. Please see our uniform policy for more information.

Cardigans, jumpers, fleece, book bag and PE bag with School logo can be purchased from:

PMG Schoolwear, 393-395 Hook Road, Chessington KT9 1EL      


Uniform for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

· Grey shorts, trousers, pinafore or skirt

· White polo shirt

· Red sweatshirt / jumper or cardigan (logo optional)

· Red and white dress (summer)

· Grey or white socks, grey or red tights

· Black shoes

· Red book bag (logo optional)

· Red fleece (optional)










PE Kit for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

· Plain White T-shirt or polo

· Red shorts

· Trainers

· Grey track suit (for outdoor P.E.)







The school office or The Friends may have supplies of nearly new uniformPlease contact the school office.