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Long Ditton Infant And Nursery School

Long Ditton Infant And Nursery School

The Heart of Long Ditton since 1911

Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage


The Early Years Foundation Stage is the name given to the Nursery and Reception years, so called because it underpins all future learning. In the planning of our curriculum, we recognise and promote the characteristics of effective learning (playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically) through carefully considered activities that are engaging, stimulating and encourage a life-long love of learning. Our skilled staff continually assess children to determine the next steps in their learning, posing questions and scaffolding tasks in order for them to develop and make progress.


At the start of Reception the children are assessed using the Reception Baseline which is a statutory national assessment. At the end of Reception children are assessed using the EYFS Profile and their progress towards meeting the Early Learning Goals. 


Our provision encompasses a Nursery class with its own outside learning space, and two Reception classes with a large, shared outdoor classroom. Each class is taught by a qualified teacher with support from teaching assistants.


We have our excellent Nursery Class and two Reception classes. Each class is taught by a qualified teacher with support from teaching assistants.

Key Worker Statemtent


Every child within the Early Years Foundation Stage must be assigned a Key Person. Within our Reception year, your child's Key Person is their class teacher. For Robin Class this is Ms Stephanie Spooner and for Sparrow Class this is Miss Lily Stone. For our Nursery Class, your child's Key Person is Mrs Polly Eaton. It is the Key Person's responsibility to ensure that each child's learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs, to offer a settled relationship for the child and to build a relationship with their parents and/or carers. If appropriate, the Key Person will be able to signpost families to external support and work with them to support the child's development. Our wonderful teaching assistants are also excellent at building strong, warm and supportive relationships with the children and feeding back their observations to the Key Person.