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Long Ditton Infant And Nursery School

Long Ditton Infant And Nursery School

The Heart of Long Ditton since 1911


Nursery Options and Times

Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 3.00pm during term time only.


Nursery Sessions

  • 15 hours per week, where your child would attend for 3 hours every morning (AM)
  • 15 hours per week, where your child would attend for 3 hours every afternoon (PM)
  • 30 hours per week, where your child would attend from 9am to 3pm each day (Fulltime)


These are our core sessions.  For flexible sessions or privately funded sessions, please enquire to the school office 020 8398 4398 or


Fees for Privately Funded Sessions


  • Lunch Club - £6.00
  • Afternoon Session - £18.00

Fees are invoiced  on a half termly basis.


Terms & Conditions for Privately Funded Sessions

  •  Fees are invoiced on a half termly basis and are payable within 14 days of the invoice date
  •  Fees are charged for the reservation of a place in the Nursery and at lunch club and therefore no reduction of fees will be given for any absence or necessary school closure
  • We are not able to accept Childcare Vouchers in payment of Nursery Fees
  • Any queries regarding invoices must be received within 14 days of the invoice date by emailing the school office


Funding for 3 & 4 year olds

All three and four year olds living in England are entitled to 570 hours of free early education and childcare a year. This is usually offered as 15 hours a week for up to 38 weeks a year and is a universal entitlement.


Additional 15 hours funded childcare

Since September 2017 working families who meet the eligibility criteria can also claim an additional 15 hours of funded childcare a week. This means that eligible children will be able to receive up to 1140 hours of funded childcare a year. This change was introduced as part of the Childcare Act 2016.


The extra free hours will be made available to families where both parents (or the sole parent in a lone parent family):

  • are working and earn on average a weekly minimum amount equivalent to working 16 hours at either National Minimum Wage (NMW), National Living Wage (NLW) 
  • have an income of less than £100,000 each per year
  • live in England


You may still be eligible to apply if you or your partner:

  • are taking paid time off work, such as maternity leave, paternity leave or sick leave
  • are temporarily away from England for a period of up to 6 months, such as on military duty


You can also apply if either you or your partner are employed or self-employed and one of you gets one of more of the following benefits:

  • contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance
  • Carer's Allowance
  • Incapacity Benefit or long-term Incapacity Benefit
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • National Insurance credits because of incapacity or limited capability for work
  • you've been assessed as having limited capability for work for Universal Credit purposes


How Do I Claim 30 hours childcare?

To claim 30 free hours childcare, you must apply through the Childcare Choices Government website:    

Childcare Choices will guide you through the process of finding the childcare support to which you are entitled.  If you are eligible for the 30 free hours childcare, you will be issued with an 11-digit code and informed when you can start using your funded hours.

You will be required to submit your 11-digit eligibility code to the school by completing a SCC 30 hours funded childcare eligibility parent consent form - this can be downloaded below or a copy obtained from the school office. It is important that you check your eligibility as soon as possible as Surrey County Council will not fund children without receipt of you confirmed eligibility code.

If you have any problems when applying for the 30 free hours childcare, you can contact the government's Customer Interaction Centre on 0300 123 4097.


Deadlines for applying for 30 hours childcare

If you wish to start using your 30 hours free childcare, you must apply via by the end of the term before you want your funding to begin. 

  • To start using your 30 hours free childcare in the Autumn Term (September start date)
    • you must apply before 31st August
  • To start using your 30 hours free childcare in the Spring Term (January start date)
    • you must apply before 31st December
  • To start using your 30 hours free childcare in the Summer Term (April start date)
    • you must apply before 31st March


Please note that anyone who applies after the deadline will not be able to take up their funded extended 15 hours childcare until the following term.


Please click the link to our Nursery Admissions page below for full details on how to apply for a place in our Nursery and for the Nursery Admissions Policy.

Wrap-Around Nursery Childcare provision from September 2024


Owls' Breakfast Club (managed by the school)

  • Monday to Friday 8.00 to 8.55am
  • Cost £8.00 a session to be booked and paid for in advance

All enquiries to the school office

  • 020 8398 4398


After nursery club - Clubland Playscheme

As part of our commitment to delivering quality childcare services, we are pleased to inform you that starting from the Autumn Term for the 2024-25 Academic year, we will be extending our term-time wrap-around care services at Long Ditton Infant School to include the children in attendance at the school’s nursery provision.

This expansion signifies our dedication to supporting the needs of the school community and we look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts with Long Ditton Infant and Nursery School.

We will be sharing more information about the cost and set up of the provision shortly. In the meantime, should you have any enquiries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out.